Back Row L-R: My husband Ronnie, brother Cobey (18), brother Carey (16), brother-in-law Nate (married to Kellie), brother Corey (20)
Front Row L-R: Me (nine months pregnant now!), sister Kaylie (14), Landon, Brayden, sister Kellie (due in April with first baby), sister Kaycie (22)
Another adventure we do each year is to get up at 4:30 in the morning and take advantage of the 'early bird' specials at stores. Surprisingly, I didn't feel very tired this year. I think it's because Landon wakes up every day at 6:00, so the early morning hours are beginning to feel very familiar. But I can't complain, because today he woke up at 7:30! What a nice break! Hope everyone's Thanksgivings were wonderful!
(picture taken off of my brother's website--