Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Photo

Back Row L-R:  My husband Ronnie, brother Cobey (18), brother Carey (16), brother-in-law Nate (married to Kellie), brother Corey (20)

Front Row L-R:  Me (nine months pregnant now!), sister Kaylie (14), Landon, Brayden, sister Kellie (due in April with first baby), sister Kaycie (22)

We had a great Thanksgiving (and celebration of mine and Ronnie's birthdays!).  We went over to my parents house, and as usual, it was a busy and active holiday.  The guys all went outside and played flag football while the girls stayed inside and cooked the turkey dinner.  Ronnie decided this year that he wanted to fry a turkey in this deep fryer thing.  It actually tasted really good!  Unfortunately, the oil didn't heat up in time for the actual dinner, so we enjoyed it after dinner.  Kind of like a 'round 2' of turkey.  We also took our annual family Christmas photo that keeps getting larger and larger each year.  Next year there will be two new kids in the photo!  (mine and my sister Kellie's)  Here's the final product.  

Another adventure we do each year is to get up at 4:30 in the morning and take advantage of the 'early bird' specials at stores.  Surprisingly, I didn't feel very tired this year.  I think it's because Landon wakes up every day at 6:00, so the early morning hours are beginning to feel very familiar.  But I can't complain, because today he woke up at 7:30!  What a nice break!  Hope everyone's Thanksgivings were wonderful!

(picture taken off of my brother's website--

Friday, November 21, 2008

Couch Jumping

The boys discovered a new game today.  They took all of the cushions off of the couch and enjoyed jumping, flipping, and falling on the floor.  It's always fun to see them playing together, not arguing!  It's getting pretty cold outside, and we are already getting a bit bored inside.... so the creativity has to flow in order to keep them busy during the day!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cousin Christmas Take 2

So we reshot the cousin Christmas picture, and it turned out great!  Well, it turned out pretty good... and after some photoshopping by Taylor Kras, it looks great!  

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Messy Eater

Landon is the messiest eater I know of.  He literally wears three outfits a day, because he requires a clothing change after each meal.  Bibs just don't seem to work for him, because he finds every crevice that is not covered by a bib and manages to get food in it.  Our friend Taylor even gave us this full length bib (more of a smock) that covers his whole body, and STILL Landon finds a way to get messy!  

Yesterday I ran upstairs to answer the phone, and when I came back down, I found Landon rubbing cucumbers in his hair.  He was actually spreading the cucumber seeds around and around on his scalp.  Gross!!!  Normally I get pretty frustrated in these type of situations because I have to give Landon so many baths, but he just looked so cute, I couldn't help but laugh!  

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Every year our friends Dave and Martine have a Halloween party.  Ronnie and I always try to be very creative with our costumes.  One year Ronnie even made this huge 'short bus' that he wore to the party.  (Ronnie used to ride the short bus to school when he was little)  This year we decided to take advantage of the fact that I am eight months pregnant.   Can you guess what we went as???  

On another note, we took the boys trick-or-treating with my parents, brother, sisters, and friend Julia.  It was a BEAUTIFUL day (70 degrees!), and we had a good time walking around the neighborhood collecting candy.  I was very excited too because Landon only can eat lollipops, and the only candy that Brayden likes is M and Ms.  So.... the rest goes to me and Ronnie!!!  I'll be sure to post some pictures of the boys in their costumes.  They looked adorable!