Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brayden's Famous!

Well, he's not really famous, but he's in the newspaper!  We spent some time at the park the other day and a man from the newspaper took some pictures of the kids playing.  The next morning I received a call from my neighbor saying that she saw Brayden in the paper!  The caption reads, "Three-year-old Brayden Follett of Carpentersville tries to get away from friend Nathan Rilko, 5, of Elk Grove Village as they get in some playtime Thursday at Randall Oaks Park in West Dundee.  They had come hoping to go to the barnyard zoo, but it was closed.  So they made the best of it anyway."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Finally Updating!

It's been a busy month somehow, even though I really don't have much on my schedule!  It's the day to day stuff that seems to consume my days... laundry, dishes, feeding baby, changing diapers, cleaning messes, breaking up arguments, etc.  But, don't let that list fool you, we have a great time during the days!  The boys are so precious, and I know this time will fly by.  

Gavin is now three months old... CRAZY!  I can't believe how fast that went.  He is such an easy going baby.  He rolled over the other day.  I tried to capture it on camera, but he wouldn't do it for me.  You can see his adorable dimples in a couple of these photos.  

We also figured out the other day that Gavin's name means "little hawk".  That is so fitting, because he has these eyes that bug out of his head, just like a little hawk.  Ronnie has begun calling him "hawk" and I'm wondering if the nickname might stick.  

The pictures in this post are of ALL THREE of the boys at around 3 months old.  They are scrambled up.  See if you can tell who is who!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring at Last??

So we have been teased with a couple of BEAUTIFUL days recently.  The boys and I have taken full advantage of every minute.  We've spent the days riding bikes, throwing footballs, hitting baseballs, and rolling down hills.  I don't think it's quite time to break out the shorts, but at least the hope of spring is here!