Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's Almost Thanksgiving...

And I'm just now getting around to blogging about Halloween!

The boys were the most adorable Scarecrow, Tinman and Lion I've ever seen. Their little friend Samantha was dressed as Dorothy, but I didnt' get any pictures of it! After getting the costumes ready and the pictures taken, the boys walked across the campus and got candy at almost every building on campus. It was a perfect day for it, too. Then, the following day, we got to trick or treat again in my parent's neighborhood! Double the candy!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Water Baby

Does your kid ever get so excited about bath time that they get into the water fully dressed: clothes, shoes and all? (and Halloween candy in hand?)

Yeah, mine either.

Beautiful Wedding Day

Recently, my friend Andrea got married. Brayden was her ring bearer, and I was a bridesmaid. It was the most beautiful wedding I had ever attended. Brayden did a wonderful job as ring bearer, and smiled ear to ear the whole way down the aisle.

Brayden "presenting the rings". He decided this was the pose he would do when the minister said, "May I have the rings, please?"

The whole group. Several of the attendees were friends of ours from Judson, which made it really fun.

Brayden the ring bearer and Makayla the little flower girl. They got along great.

Ronnie and I with Brayden.

My Kids Have a Superpower

My kids have a superpower.

In just two minutes flat, they are able to destroy an entire home.

It doesn't matter how clean the house is, my super-boys are able to destroy it in just 120 seconds.

If there were a game show called "Destroy This House", my boys would win hands down.

My boys certainly have a superpower. Do yours?