Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fall Leaves are Falling

When I was a kid, I remember LOVING to jump in the piles of leaves after my dad had raked them up. I took the boys outside so I could re-live this memory with them. :) The older two boys got over it pretty quickly, but Gavin LOVED it. He's a boy after my own heart! We are loving this fall and hoping we continue to get these beautiful sunny days.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Deja Vu?

Step 1: Place happy baby in door jumper.

Step 2: Take a quick shower, peeking out once in a while on happy, jumpy baby.

Step 3: Get out of shower and get dressed.

Step 4: Call over older siblings to ONCE AGAIN wonder how baby fell asleep in this position.

Step 5: Wonder why we even set up the crib in the first place. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Snoozing in the Saucer

Step 1: Put happy baby in the saucer to play.

Step 2: Walk away to go check your email.

Step 3: Come back to check on the now silent happy baby.

Step 4: Smile and call older brothers over to wonder how happy baby actually fell asleep in this position.

Step 5: Grab the camera, of course!

Step 6: Blog about sleeping baby, adding cute photos and an alliterated blog post title. :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Rub a Dub Dub

Lately Hudson has been screaming his way through bathtime, so I tried a new approach this time: make him laugh! Clearly it worked. He thought it was hilarious as I tickled his little neck with that plastic letter 'O' that he's holding. And yes, I did post the same picture twice. On accident. But then I left it, because well, he's so stinking adorable! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

You Are My Sunshine

You are my


my only sunshine

you make me happy

when skies are grey

you'll never know boys

how much

I love you

please don't take

my sunshine away