Caleb came over the other day for a couple of hours. While Brayden and Landon napped, Caleb and Gavin were laying (lying?) on the ground staring up at the ceiling fan. It was cheap and easy entertainment for them, and I even had the chance to eat some lunch with no babies/toddlers/kids climbing on me! Oh, the little things. It's crazy how things change when you have kids. I remember when I was pregnant and people always said, "Just wait until you have kids! Things will change!" And I absolutely hated it. I remember thinking, "How hard can it be? Things aren't going to change THAT much."
Well, as much as I hate to admit it, those people were right. There are some 'not so glamourous' parts of motherhood that I am experiencing on a daily basis. I am now blogging about having 10 minutes to myself to eat lunch. I am listening to the bathroom fan because my baby will not sleep without the white noise. I am watching the news (the news! I'm old!) to catch the weather to see if it will be nice enough to go to the park with the boys tomorrow. My 7 month old baby is sleeping in our bed next to me, which I swore I would NEVER do. My kitchen is a disaster zone, and right now I'm deciding if I want to clean it up now, or just leave it until the morning. I am wearing my hair in a ponytail for the 4th time this week, and it's only Wednesday. I am still in my bathing suit from our trip to the water park today. I haven't been to the gym since Saturday. I let Landon drink Coke today. I nursed Gavin in the back of the car today... twice. I yelled at the boys for waking up Gavin during his nap, again. I let the boys watch DVDs in the back of the van just for the sake of quiet during car rides. I went barefoot almost all day.
Well, that's enough 'confessions of motherhood' for now. Now to the joys of having little baby cousins. I am so excited to see Gavin and Caleb grow older together. They are both such easygoing babies, and I think they could be great playmates! They were adorable together, just staring up at the fan. I stood above them and snapped more photos than usual, just trying to get the two of them to smile at me. Despite my best efforts, Caleb would not give me a smile. I think he thought I was a crazy lady, with all of my jumping and noise-making to get their attention. The pictures are still cute though!
I like that post. :)
Aw! So cute! Thanks for watching the little guy! I love your 'confessions of motherhood' too! I feel that already with just 1, I can't imagine with 3! I love you Follett Fam!
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