Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Craziness Continues...

So I woke up this morning to find Brayden in my bed, wearing nothing but underwear.  Strange, I thought.  I don't remember him coming into bed, and why isn't he wearing the Spiderman pajamas he just HAD to wear last night?  So, I walk into his room, and had to walk right back out again.  Poor kid must have gotten sick last night, but neglected to tell me about it.  And he didn't quite make it to the bathroom on time.  So, what have I just spent the last 30 minutes doing??  Cleaning up DRIED puke from the walls, the windows, the carpet!, his bed, the pillow, the blinds (how did that happen?), the bookshelf, etc.  Apparently when he got sick, he thought it might be fun to see how many things in the room he could get it on.  What a fun game.  Oh, and there right next to the bed were the Spiderman pajamas, also covered in dry puke.  I think it was very responsible of him to take them off before he climbed back into bed and proceeded to sleep in his puke the rest of the night.  

Probably one of the grossest things I've had to do as a parent so far.  This ranks up there with the time that Landon ate his poop.  Yes, that was an interesting story too.  We were getting ready to run out the door to a meeting at church when the inevitable happened, Landon pooped his diaper.  No biggie, I thought, I'll just run upstairs and grab him a fresh diaper, he'll be changed and clean in 5 minutes, and we'll be out the door!  As I was grabbing the diaper in his room, I hear a frantic voice from downstairs yell out, "MOM! Landon touched his poop!"  I bolted downstairs to find Landon with 2 handfuls of, you guessed it, his own poop.  OK.  What now?  I carried him quickly upstairs and set him in the bathtub, only to find that I had left the wipes DOWNSTAIRS!  Oh no!  "Don't move at all!", I instructed Landon, and raced down to grab the wipes I needed.  I ran back upstairs and Landon, to his credit, had not moved at all, but in a whim of curiosity while I was gone, decided to taste his poop and smear the stuff all over his mouth and cheeks.  Let's just say we were late for my meeting.

So, which was worse, the poop or the puke?  Not sure yet.  Give me time to take a shower and think it over.


Laura said...

Oh no!! You may not be laughing yet, but... that's really funny! Thanks for making me smile this morning :) Hope Brayden's feeling better!

Gretchen said...

You need to have disclaimers before each post. I could have been eating Christie!!! Also, mabe include a little warning for those that don't have kids yet - Read your blog and they may never want to. :)