Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Poor Poor Baby

Poor Landon came down with a high fever on Monday afternoon, and still hasn't been able to shake it. He now has a rash that continues to spread all over his body, and he is just miserable!! Please pray for Landon to heal quickly!


Laura said...

We'll be praying!

Feather Print Photography said...

Aww I hope he gets better!

melissa said...

Oh Christie ... yikes!!! You must be very worried about him. I prayed for him this morning and will continue to do so. Hope he gets better soon!

The Bartley Family said...

Oh, Christie! These pictures made me cry... seriously! Ugh! I can't imagine how hard this must be for you! I'm praying for you guys!!! Love you!

Anna said...

Chris... did you take him to the Doc yet? Not to freak you out but that kinda looks like Scarlet Fever :( Let me know if I can do anything for you!