Sunday, April 22, 2012

Crazy 8

Once upon a time I had a baby boy named Hudson.  He was the most easygoing, laid back baby I've had yet.  He rarely cried, enjoyed just lying/sitting on the ground or being held, and came with me to all of my CYT events (even 2 hour long staff meetings!) without putting up a fuss.  Ronnie and I would have date night... and bring Hudson along!  He simply laid in his carseat next to us at fancy restaurants while Ronnie and I enjoyed our dinner nights out.  

And then something crazy happened.

Hudson turned 8 months old.   And when babies turn 8 months old, they learn how to crawl.   And the moment Hudson's chubby little knees hit the floor for the first time, he suddenly shed his sweet, easygoing demeanor and became a stair climbing, toilet paper pulling, Cheerio dumping, front door escaping little crazy boy.   

Need proof?  Here are a few photos of the daily crazy things that Hudson does.  It's a good thing he kept that adorable little smile--- because I've got a little crazy on my hands!!!!  

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